Workforce Development and Continuing Education Programs at Montgomery College
Montgomery College offers a wide range of noncredit classes designed to meet the needs of county residents and businesses. Looking for job skills, career paths, licensure or certification? Workforce Development has many opportunities to develop job skills or to keep pace with the most current technologies and certifications in your field. Looking for something more? Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning programs offer enrichment programs. There are also summer camps and programs for youth grades K-12 year round.
At this time ONLY Youth programs are available for registration through this portal. Visit Youth Programs.
Bear with us as we move to a new registration system. At this time all other WDCE open enrollment courses are currently VIEW ONLY through this portal. Registration is still available through MYMC.
- ITI Computer Technology
- Management & Leadership
- Project Management
- Real Estate
- Writing
- Instituto Hispano de Negocios
- Nonprofit Training
- Animal Care and Vet. Assistant
- Cosmetology
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Hospitality, Food Safety, Event Mgt.
- Income Tax Preparer
- Early Childhood Education
- Developmental Education
- Academic Pre-Credit
- Lifelong Learning
- Personal Finance Academy
- Professional and Career Development
- Test Preparation
- World Languages
- Entry Level Health Careers
- Clinical Medical Assistant (CMA)
- Nursing
- Certified Nursing Asst. Geriatric Nursing Asst. (CNA/GNA)
- Nursing Related
- Wellness
- CPR & First Aid
Classes for Adults Age 50+
- Archaeology & World Cultures
- Art & Art History
- Brain Fitness Institute
- Computers and Technology
- Criminal Justice
- History and Current Events
- Human and Natural Science
- Literature and Writing
- Music
- Wellness
- Enrichment
- Personal Finance Academy
- Professional and Career Development
- Art Classes and Workshops for Adults and Teens
- Crafts, Drawing, Painging, Photography, Printmaking
- Art History
- Film and Video Arts
- Graphic Design and Visual Arts
- Sculpture and Ceramics
- Performing Arts
- Dance
- Music
- Theatre Arts
- Interior Design
- Driver Education
- Motorcycle Safety
- Public Safety
- Adult ESOL (most basic)
- Adult ESOL
- WorkPlus! ESOL
- Refugee Programs
- Citizenship Prep.
- TESOL Training
- ESL, Noncredit Program (intermediate)
- Communications Skills
- Reading and Writing
- Writing
- English for Academic Purposes (Advanced)
- For Degree seeking students
- Automotive
- Building and Construction
- Computer Repair/ A+ Certification
- Welding
Other Opportunities and Resources
Looking for job skills or the right career path? Find classes or a series of classes which can help you prepare for a career, professional license, or certification in your chosen field.
Visit Job SkillsMany of our WDCE programs have in-person, hybrid, and online classes. Check the schedule to see if the class you are looking for may be offered online. In addition we offer reasonably priced online courses from Ed2Go and UGotClass.
Visit Online Classes with Ed2Go / UGotClass